Paperlike LDPE bio-plastics compounds for foils

  • Compound can be torn in any given direction
  • Application: foils, also HDPE and PP bottles
  • To be presented at #Fakuma

The Grafe Group has introduced the bio-plastics compound “Bio-Compalen-Paperlike“ for the production of foils that can be torn in any given direction. The compound is antistatic which reduces the attraction of surface dust.


Up until now, security labels could only be torn in the direction of extrusion. With this compound it is possible to produce foils with the same tearing properties lengthwise and crosswise. This feature provides an advantage over other foils, particularly in the field of security labels. In addition, the foil displays paper-like haptics and excellent writability. It comes in white, like paper, and is also available in other colours.

The LDPE bio-plastics compound can be made into flat or bubble-wrap and requires relatively low processing temperatures which improve the overall ecological balance. Aside from foil production, the compound can also be used for HDPE and PP bottle extrusion.

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