Precise dosing of long fibre granulates with loss-in-weight technology

  • Dosing unit with massage rollers
  • Massage rollers guarantee constant material flow
  • Fluctuations regarding adjustment of fibre content significantly reduced

Highly concentrated PP-long fibre granulates are difficult to dose and convey due to their consistency and complex flow properties. The company Motan-Colortronic has now introduced a dosing system with massage rollers for highly concentrated long fibre granulates.

Dosing unit with massage rollers

Massage rollers of this kind have previously been used only in extrusion and compounding. The new C-Flex M dosing unit is based on a loss-in-weight dosing principle and specially suited for the injection moulding process. The C-Flex M dosing unit with its dosing auger and the steep polyether walls, that are activated sideways by massage rollers, guaranties a very good and even filling of the dosing screw. In addition, rod material is activated particularly well and bridging of the material is prevented.

Massage rollers guarantee constant material flow

At Fakuma visitors were able to witness this application on an injection moulding machine at the KraussMaffei stand: A highly-concentrated PP-long fiber granulate with 60 percent fiber content and equal parts polymer dilution (from PP) was dosed in equal parts via two dosing units to the plasticising screw. Here the C-Flex M dosing unit with massage rollers guaranteed constant material flow for the first time in such an injection moulding application.

Fluctuations regarding adjustment of fibre content significantly reduced

“Fluctuations regarding the adjustment of the fibre content can be significantly reduced compared to conventional mixing concepts. According to current measurements they correspond to the load fluctuation of the manufacturer“, says Jochen Mitzler, manager of Strategic Product Management at KrausMaffei.

KraussMaffei also adds that processors can now adjust the process more precisely. This advantage is particularly beneficial when producing safety related components where constant and reproducible processes are required.

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