Renewably sourced packaging features ultra-high barrier properties

  • Material predominately made from proprietary starch technology
  • Extremely low oxygen transmission rate: up to 40% extended shelf life

Improving the environment while increasing food freshness are dual benefits from the new packaging for Valley Fine Foods of Benicia, CA. Plantic Technologies Ltd, an international supplier of biopolymers, announces that its ultra-high gas barrier, renewably sourced Plantic eco Plastic roll stock is being used by Valley Fine to package its Three Bridges line of 100% natural chef crafted pasta products.


Plantic eco Plastic roll stock is being used by Valley Fine to package its Three Bridges line of 100% natural chef crafted pasta products (source: Valley Fine Foods)

Material uses 40% less energy to produce than conventional ethylene-based polymers

Plantic eco Plastic roll stock is made predominately from proprietary starch technology which constitutes about 80 percent of the total package structure and uses up to 40 percent less energy to produce than conventional ethylene-based polymers. The extremely low oxygen transmission rate of the material can extend the shelf life of fresh foods by 15 percent to 40 percent, depending on the application.

According to Tom Black, President of International Business for Plantic Technologies: “Plantic eco Plastic sets a new standard for barrier packaging performance. We are able to be cost competitive with traditional barrier films and, combined with functional performance, this forms the cornerstone of our value proposition.”

Based on patented polymer technology

Plantic Technologies is based in Australia, where its head office, principal manufacturing, and research and development facilities are located. The Company also has manufacturing operations in Germany. The company’s patented polymer technology is based on the use of high-amylose corn starch, a material derived from annual harvesting of specialized non-genetically modified (hybrid) corn and supplied by Ingredion Inc.


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