Papp Plastics & Inplax to build automotive injection molding plant in Mexico

  • Joint venture formed: Mex-Can Plastics
  • 60,000 square ft. factory to open in Dec. 2014
  • Focus: auotmotive market

Papp Plastics and Distributing Ltd. and Inplax S.A de C.V. of Querétaro, Mexico have teamed up to support the growing demand for automotive plastic components and molds in Mexico. The operation of the new joint venture company Mex-Can Plastics, SAPI de CV is currently under construction with an opening date set for December of 2014.

Iker Forcén, Michael Papp, George Papp

Iker Forcén, Michael Papp, George Papp

The new 60,000 square ft. (18,300 m2) factory will house a 60 Ton crane, 12 plastic injection molding machines up to 4,000 tons, including two shot manufacturing capabilities. Mex-Can Plastics will also have the ability to supply Class A painted interior and exterior parts, injection mold development and try-out services. The Papp Plastics engineering and design team from Windsor, Ontario, Canada will support the new operation in Mexico.

After four years of market research and development Papp Plastics has increased its presence in the Mexican automotive market. With over 10 billion USD in new or added OEM automotive investment in Mexico, the Mex-Can Plastics plant is in a prime position to supply this high growth market.


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